

主演:Kyle Davis Devin McGinn Matt B 

导演:Henry Saine 

时间:2019-05-29 12:05:15



《最后的克拉夫特:恶魔的文物》是由Henry,Saine执导,Kyle,Davis,Devin,McGinn,Matt,Bauer主演的喜剧片。该电影于2009年在美国上映。Jeff is an ordinary guy that is stuck at a dead end job with a boring life, but when a strange old man gives him an Ancient relic and tells him that he is the last bloodline of H.P. Lovecraft, He and his friend Charlie embark on an adventure to protect the relic piece from falling into the hands of the Starspawn and his minions that wish to reunite the relic and release Cthulhu back into the world.

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