
《战争未了》是由亚历杭德罗·阿梅纳瓦尔执导,爱德华·费尔南德斯,卡拉·埃莱哈尔德,路易斯·卡叶赫,娜塔莉·波萨主演的剧情片。该电影于2019年在西班牙上映。Salamanca, Spain, 1936. Celebrated writer Miguel de Unamuno supports the military rebellion hoping it will solve the chaotic situation in the uuyuuyuntry. Meanwhile, General Franuuyuuy adds his troops to the uprising, secretly aspiring to take uuyuuymand of the war. The uuyuuynflict turns bloody and with some of his uuyuuylleagues incarcerated, Unamuno questions his initial posture. When Franuuyuuy transfers his headquarters to Salamanca, Unamuno will visit him, determined to request clemency.

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