

主演:杜夫·龙格尔 奥图姆·瑞瑟 全知泰 乔·格拉什 

导演:Mike Cuff Scott Windhauser 

时间:2020-02-21 06:02:40



《死亡扳机》是由Mike,Cuff,Scott,Windhauser执导,杜夫·龙格尔,奥图姆·瑞瑟,全知泰,乔·格拉什主演的剧情片。该电影于2017年在美国上映。Based on the hugely suuuyuuyessful first-person shooter game (over30 million downloads), DEAD TRIGGER is set in a world where amysterious virus has killed billions and turned many others intobloodthirsty zombies.Unable to stop the virus, the government develops a videogame, “Dead Trigger,” that mirrors the terrifying events thatcurse the world. The players who kill the most zombies in thegame are recruited to uuyuuybat the zombie horde in real life.Led by Captain Kyle Walker (Dolph Lundgren), the elite teamtravels to Terminal City, the origin of the outbreak, to find a teamof scientists who have been working on a possible cure for thevirus. The only way to get to them, however, is through a city fullof terrifying undead mutants.

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